SEO Tip 1 - Relvance - Arguably the #1 SEO quest

In the intricate landscape of SEO, achieving optimal relevance is the key to unlocking visibility and attracting the right audience. The journey begins with the foundational elements, and among them, the structure of your URLs plays a pivotal role. Crafting URLs that seamlessly blend keywords with user-friendly attributes is the first step towards enhancing your website's visibility.

Here are the critical aspects of URL construction and a comprehensive array of strategies that extend beyond, ensuring your content resonates with search engines and captivates your audience.

1. URLs (+)

Craft URLs that are not only keyword-driven but also user-friendly.

Friendly URL Tips:

  • Case sensitivity - lowercase is preferred and easier to read by humans
  • Word delimiters - stick with hyphens (dash) rather than underscores
  • Keep it short - search engines limit length and truncate long URLs

2. Content relevancy (+)

  • Regularly update and review your content to signal its relevance to search engines.
  • Fresh, up-to-date content is favoured, so strive to provide users with the latest information.

3. Unique words (+)

  • Understand how users search for your products and tailor your content accordingly.
  • Align your language with the user's search behaviour to enhance your website's SEO optimization.

4. Usability (+)

  • Provide detailed and valuable information on your site.
  • Ensure your content is visually appealing with quality images, videos, and clear differentiators.
  • Cater to users conducting extensive research before making a purchase.

5. Original material (+)

  • Differentiate your content by making it original and unique.
  • Search engines tend to favour information that is expressed or organized differently from similar sites, offering a distinct perspective.
  • Outbound inks (+)
  • Include reputable outbound links to related pages and relevant organizations.
  • This not only helps search engines understand your page topics but also boosts your site and page ranking.

6. Bounce rate (0)

  • Regularly update your pages to showcase a commitment to staying current with market trends.
  • Consistently refreshed content, even on older pages, can outperform new pages in terms of relevance.

7. Up-to-date Information (+)

Pages that sit without change for extended periods of time play a role of diminished relevance and tend to fade into the distance. A review and update of pages on a regular basis shows a commitment to stay current with the respective market. Older pages that are regularly updated should outperform new pages.

8. Dates (+/-)

a. Blogs

There are mixed opinions from SEO experts specifically regarding post dates and blogs.

  • Some believe older dates discourage clicks, making the pages less desirable, and contributing to a low page rank.
  • Some believe dates should be left out completely ignoring the date issue in order to retain traffic.
  • Others believe the date should be posted for users so they can evaluate the information relevant in the context of when it was posted.

b. News

  • News posts, on the other hand, should always include release dates.

    c. General note

    • Search engines look at the last time a page was updated and execute their algorithms based on that.
    • Remember your website should always be about creating a valued user experience - do what's best for your users.
    • Rather than creating new posts on specific topics, try to update the post content on a regular basis.

      9. Favicon (0)

      • While a favicon enhances website usability, its impact on SEO is minor.
      • It contributes to a positive user experience and is beneficial for bookmarked pages.

      10. Brand reviews (+)

      • Google My Business reviews, Yelp, BBB, and HomeStars play a vital role in measuring the popularity of a site or company.
      • Similar to social media, positive reviews contribute to a favourable online presence.


      In the pursuit of SEO excellence, the importance of relevance cannot be overstated. The multifaceted facets of SEO, from the intricacies of URL construction to the strategic deployment of unique words and the perpetual refreshment of content, it is evident that relevance is centre stage. Each element contributes to a website's resonance with search algorithms, ensuring that it remains a valuable resource for users.

      The commitment to user experience, whether through the meticulous construction of URLs or the regular update of content, underlines a dedication to staying current in a dynamic digital landscape. Embrace these insights, and let them guide your journey towards an SEO strategy that not only navigates algorithms but also resonates with the diverse needs of your audience.

      Want a more inclusive list of almost everything you need to know about the items that build website Search Engine Optimisation? SEO ascent: Hands-on strategies for climbing the SERP ranks.

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